Author : Yejide Kilanko Genre : Novel My Rating : 3 | 3.5 Stars Year of Publication : 2012 Number of Pages : 329 SUMMARY Spirited and intelligent, Morayo grows up surrounded by school friends and family in Ibadan. There is Eniayo, her adoring little sister- for whose sake their middle-class parents fight stigmatising superstition- and a large extended family of cousins and aunts who sometimes make Morayo's home their own. A shameful secret forced upon her by Bros T, her cousin, thrusts Morayo into a web of oppressive silence woven by the adults around her. Morayo must learn to fiercely protect herself and her sister as young women growing up in a complex and politically charged country. "Who is the raffia strand to question the basket weaver?"- Morenike, Daughters Who Walk This Path MY VERDICT This story was one I liked, it wasn't so spectacular, but I can say I smiled quite a few times while reading it. The quotes at the beginning of each chapther...
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