Author : Chinelo Okparanta Genre : Short Story/Anthology My Rating : 4.5 Stars Year of Publication : 2013 Number of Pages : 196 SUMMARY In these exquisite stories, Chinelo Okparanta introduces us to families burdened equally by the past and the future. Here, we meet a childless couple with very different desires, a college professor comforting a troubled student, a mother seeking refuge from an abusive husband, and a young woman waiting to join her lover abroad. High expectations consume them. Nigeria defines them. ' Her clear, elegant use of language and exploration of family life, migration and love are refreshing and distinctive. '- Diva ' Happiness is like water,' she says.'We're always trying to grab onto it, but it's always slipping between our fingers. ' page 144 MY VERDICT I'm obsessed with short stories now, even though they leave me aching for more. I love how they prompt me to conjour up crazy conclusions about what bec...
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